
I would like to talk about play Reinhardt because he is my favorite of all of the tanks in the game and he can fit into nearly any team comp. Rein is good on offense because he is able to shield his teammates while they heal or do damage, but he is also good at charging in and getting as pick on the enemy team to turn the numbers in his favor. Rein is also good on defense because he can sit at any choke point with his shield up and stop enemies from shooting through or walking through into his teammates. Rein's primary fire is a swing of his hammer that does 75 damage per hit, killing most dps characters with only three swings. His secondary fire puts up a shield with 2000 health that the enemy cannot shoot through but that his own team can. You can not swing while the shield is up and it does cause you to walk slower. His shift ability is a charge that cannot be canceled once it is started but that will pin any enemy it hits to whichever wall he collides with first, which will kill any enemy who is not a tank. The E ability is a fire strike which sends a fireball in the direction that the cursor is pointing, doing 100 damage to all enemies and shields in its path and passing through shields. Reinhardt's ultimate ability is a downward swing of his hammer causing any enemies in a cone shape in front of him to be knocked down, taking damage and removing them from the fight for a few seconds. This ability does not go through shields so it is important to use it when the enemies shields are on cool down. Reinhardt's hammer does a lot of damage per swing so it may be tempting to just keep swinging away and take matters into your own hands when it comes to killing enemies but it is important to remember that whenever you swing, you are taking your shield down and leaving your team vulnerable. So it is fine to swing every once in a while but be sure to mainly keep your shield in front of your team and stay at the choke point on defense while trying to look for an opportunity to push your team into the point on offense. Holding the choke point should be fairly simple, but pushing your team through one might be harder. the two best ways to do this would be to either charge straight through, killing an enemy and having your team follow, or to slowly walk through with your shield out and your team behind you.


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