DPS Role

The DPS role is usually the most sought after role in the game because it is the one that is able to do the most damage, get the kills, and have all of the glory. As the DPS you are supposed to be focusing the enemy team's healers, then their DPS players, then their tanks, in that order. The reason for this is because if you were to focus on any of the other characters on their team, their healers would just continue to heal them up while their DPS characters took out the healers on your team, making all damage to you and to the tanks permanent, and causing the fight to be uneven, and giving the advantage to the other team. The characters who belong to the DPS role are Genji, Mcree, Pharah, Reaper, Soldier 76, Sombra, and Tracer. Out of this list, my personal favorites are Genji, Pharah, and Soldier 76, but all characters are viable and could be very good if you only practice with them. Getting the aim down on these characters and knowing who to be fighting and when to be fighting them are the most important things when it comes to getting better and moving up through the ranks. We have already talked about who you should be focusing so now moving on to the aiming part, head shots deal a great amount of extra damage but are harder to hit, so while you usually want to b aiming for the head, it is sometimes better to hit body shots when a target is low to make them easier to hit.A good way to practice and hopefully master aiming with these characters is to go into a custom game where it is just you against 6 Ana bots and set the options to where only head shots deal damage. It is very important to pick Ana for two reasons, one she has a very small head hit box which will force your aim to be more precise, and two it is impossible for her to hit head shots so you will never die. Only being able to hit head shots will make your aim more precise and reliable. If you go into the practice tool you can even set the speed of enemy movement to be either lower or higher than normal, making the shots harder or easier to hit based on how strong your aim is with your character, I recommend doing this whenever you plan to pick up a new DPS character so you can be a more reliable teammate, and have a higher impact on the game.


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