Tank Role

When playing the Tank Role in Overwatch your job is to protect your teammates and help them either get to the objective or defend it depending on which side you are on. When on offense your job is to protect your team's damage dealers and give them the opportunity to take out the enemy teams healers. The reason for this is because when DPS characters are out in the open they are usually the focus of the enemy team, and DPS characters usually do not have much health so they will get taken out very quickly. Tanks on the other hand have high amounts of health and armor and are usually able to shield themselves and teammates from damage with abilities. Once your DPS characters are shielded and given the opportunity to fire on the enemy team, they are usually able to pick off at least one person on the other team, giving your team the numbers advantage and sparking a fight that your team should be able to win. When on defense the tank character's job is to stop this very thing from happening by shielding the rest of your team and stopping them from being taken out. This usually means establishing a choke point which is a point on the map, usually a gateway or doorway, that the tank stands at and protects in order to stop the other team from advancing through and getting to the objective. Holding the other team behind this choke point leaves them vulnerable and closed into a small area which makes it easier for the defense characters on your team to pick them off. The tank characters in Overwatch are D.Va, Orisa, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Winston, and Zarya. Of these characters my favorites are Reinhardt, Roadhog, and Zarya. The reasons for this are: Reinhardt is great at shielding teammates and holding choke points with his massive shield while still providing loads of damage and crowd control with his hammer swings and Ultimate Ability, Roadhog is good at soaking up damage from the enemy team and just getting all of his health back through his self heals, but is also able to get on shot picks on the enemy team and has a game changing Ultimate Ability, and Zarya is able to shield allies and punish aggressive teams because her shields on herself and her allies actually make her weapon deal more damage, but she also has a great Ultimate Ability that is able to hold enemies in place and let her team freely rain damage on them. The tank role is a good one to master because it always has a high impact on the team and can be played when you are playing alone because you don't have to count on your teammates to protect you.


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