
Widowmaker is currently my favorite defensive player so I thought I might as well say something about playing her and give a few tips and tricks I have picked up along the way. Widowmaker is a sniper who excels at sitting in the back and picking off the enemies one by one, always keeping the numbers in her teams favor and making it harder for the enemy to be able to engage. Widowmaker's primary fire has two forms, when she is not scoped in it is a spray of machine gun fire that is inaccurate a long ranges and should not be used very often, unless someone gets too close. When scoped in Widowmaker's primary fire become a sniper shot that charges up from 0% to 100% dealing more damage at higher percentages. A fully charged shot to the head deals 300 damage which is enough to one shot kill any enemy who isn't a tank and two shot kill any tank. For this reason it is important to aim for the head and always fully charge your weapon unless you are shooting at someone who has already taken a good bit of damage and you are just trying to finish them off. At this point it is fine to not fully charge the shot because you may not need all of that extra damage and it will let you fire faster because you don't have to wait for it to charge. Widow's shift ability is a grappling hook that allows her to pull herself up to ledges and buildings. This is best used for repositioning, getting to high ground, and escaping close fights. The E ability is a venom mine that Widow can lay down that deals damage to enemies over time. Its is best to set this mine up behind you to stop and flankers from getting behind you and killing you. The ultimate ability is a sight that allows all enemies to be seen through walls by you and your team. This is best used to find where the team is coming from and to help line up head shots for when an enemy is about to come out from behind a wall, or around a corner. As widow you usually want to get the high ground and be looking down on your opponent from behind you team, and constantly be moving around, do not stay in the same spot. This makes you less vulnerable to being picked off, and gives you the best angle to take out your opponents.


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