
Tank Role

When playing the Tank Role in Overwatch your job is to protect your teammates and help them either get to the objective or defend it depending on which side you are on. When on offense your job is to protect your team's damage dealers and give them the opportunity to take out the enemy teams healers. The reason for this is because when DPS characters are out in the open they are usually the focus of the enemy team, and DPS characters usually do not have much health so they will get taken out very quickly. Tanks on the other hand have high amounts of health and armor and are usually able to shield themselves and teammates from damage with abilities. Once your DPS characters are shielded and given the opportunity to fire on the enemy team, they are usually able to pick off at least one person on the other team, giving your team the numbers advantage and sparking a fight that your team should be able to win. When on defense the tank character's job is to stop this very thing from

Defense Role

The Defense Role in Overwatch is one that is meant to guard certain areas. Times defense characters are important would be when you are on defense on payload, or control, or capture point game modes. The reason defense characters are good in these game modes is because they excel at taking out or locking down enemies within an area. These characters are better when the enemy has to come to you as opposed to DPS characters who are meant to be going after the enemies. When on defense, not every character on the team should be a defense character, it is usually best to only have two or three. The people who play these characters should usually stay close to the point that they are trying to defend because that's where they are most effective. The characters in Overwatch that fall into the defense category are Bastion, Hanzo, Junkrat, Mei, Torbjorn, and Widowmaker. Of these characters my personal favorites are Widowmaker, Hanzo, and Junkrat. Widowmaker and Hanzo because they are sniper

DPS Role

The DPS role is usually the most sought after role in the game because it is the one that is able to do the most damage, get the kills, and have all of the glory. As the DPS you are supposed to be focusing the enemy team's healers, then their DPS players, then their tanks, in that order. The reason for this is because if you were to focus on any of the other characters on their team, their healers would just continue to heal them up while their DPS characters took out the healers on your team, making all damage to you and to the tanks permanent, and causing the fight to be uneven, and giving the advantage to the other team. The characters who belong to the DPS role are Genji, Mcree, Pharah, Reaper, Soldier 76, Sombra, and Tracer. Out of this list, my personal favorites are Genji, Pharah, and Soldier 76, but all characters are viable and could be very good if you only practice with them. Getting the aim down on these characters and knowing who to be fighting and when to be fighting